Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Lost Shepherd: A Parable

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Everyone knows the parable of the lost sheep, about how a shepherd had lost one of his 100 sheeps, and how he then abandoned the 99 (temporally, though) to find the lost one and how he rejoice with his fellow shepherd when he managed to find the lost sheep, baa baa baa...
And everyone who went to Sunday School knows that the parable has something to do with the nature of the God; that he is merciful even to the sinner, that he prefer to leave the righteous in order to save the sinner baa baa baa...
Now imagine...just imagine... that the situation is somewhat put in reverse, that there was a lost shepherd instead of sheep. What would the sheep do? Would they miss him, would  they seek for him? Would they notice in the first place, that the person that's responsible to their well-being had vanished and there are no assurance of any kind that he would come back? What you think would happened to the herd? Here's one version of it:
Then Jesus told them this parable:
Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and he goes and loses himself. Does he not find that the sheep take several hours to notice? And does he not find that they bleat aimlessly for some time when they discover him gone? However, he then discovers that they spread out over the open country, ignoring the other ninety-nine shepherds they see along the way, and will not return to their pen until they have found him. And when they find him, they joyfully put him upon their woollen backs and with much bleating and bumping into one another, they carry him home. Then they call the goats and the cows and say 'Baa', which roughly translates as 'Rejoice with us, for we have found our lost shepherd.' And the shepherd will undoubtedly be overjoyed also and will celebrate with a meal of roast lamb.
Quoted from:



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