Monday, September 7, 2009

9/11: 8 Years Later

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People remember exactly where they were when World Trade Centre buildings collapsed to the ground. I was in front of my TV, staring at a newsticker that says that US was under attack. The images that follow frightened me. A burning building and a plane that fly so low before it hit the second building.
I do remember also the day US strikes back. Dropping bombs like maniac on Afghanistan and Iraq.
"The world is burning in hatred.
And still is today, 8 years after. Never before the world stripped apart into two equal portions with grudges and hatred for each other. Not since the Cold War.
Eight years of killing frenzy, bad presidency and the fall of economy. The circle of hatred rages on. Burned everything, consume everything, even the goodness in people's conscience. Who started what? One may ask.
Both sides are the victims I would say. Victims of their own greed, hatred and ideals. Victims of the leader who don't know shit about grief of losing people we love. Both sides suffer. That's that. When it comes to suffering, it no longer matters who suffer the most or who started it, especially when parents have to buried their children.
And the images still frightened me, for even I know, the circle of hatred will never end.

Above is Benjamin Franklin's Magic circle which I think fitly represents how hatred is passed around. Taken from



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