Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Looks!

I think I need to apologize for not updating this blog as often as I should. The matter is blah...blah...blah...same old long story about don't have a time and so forth...
However, here I am, back with a bang! And there's no better bang than a new look for this blog.

Zoom Template is what I'm talking about. This cute template is made by the talented Mr Agus Ramadhani and is set to be a template for news aggregator site for blogger-based blog like alltop and popourls, both of which are where he drew inspiration from.

However, since I'm not that fond of news (not to mention that there are a LOT of news aggregator out there), I altered it to what fit me the most: my reading lists. It covers anything that I like, from arts to jokes (there will be more).You can see them at the home page here.

Neat, huh? You bet.

Go to the banner at the bottom of the page to buy this template (yeah I know). But I do think it's worth the price.

So, thanks to Mr Agus for this template. (I'm going to stop my praise about the template since any more good words from me about this template, he'd better pay me, which he's not Lol)


Monday, April 12, 2010

Prey For Rock n Roll

This is 2010. I'm 28 years old this month, wondering what can I achieve next. I work as an independent property broker in Bali, but what I do now is the least thing I could ever imagine back then, when I was a drummer of a kicking ass rock band called Beyond Any Recognition.

Since my parents introduced me to the Beatles, being a musician in a kicking ass band was always a dream. It still is. But reality seems a little bit to harsh for that kind of dream. I gave up so much thing to follow the dream, thinking it all would be alright when it started to pay off. But the checks didn't come.

I practically learn everything myself, the drum, the guitar, the composition, the recording, and the mixing all that it needs. I wrote my own songs, I wrote my own lyrics. I played my drums like there's no tomorrow. I gave up my college, ruined some friendships but all of that were not enough. Now, instead become a drummer in a great band, I've lost it, ended up being a stranger in a new place and become a property broker. Not that it is a bad thing. It's what paying the bill. The problem is, the dream of drumming for a great rock n roll band still lingers on. And in a lonely night like this, I couldn't help but imagining things that might have been.

And in the night like this, I realize that Rock n Roll has consumed me; eat me raw with its unforgiving fangs, and it defecates me somewhere far. If this is how it felt of being broken, I know, there won't be any other thing that can break me more than this...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hachibi and Kyuubi, "That Jutsu" and Sage Mode Second Version!!!

I'll put a bet that The Eight-Tailed Killer Bee will eventually teach Naruto how to control the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed inside him.

The Eight-Tailed or the Hachibi is by far the most perfect Jinchūriki, and the only one survived Akatsuki save for Naruto. It's only a matter of time for the two to meet, especially with the war against Uchiha Madara closes at hand.

I refer to his ability to control the Biju inside him and not the other way around like we often see in other JinchÅ«riki. Even Naruto can't fully control the Demon Fox. And that's where Killer Bee's ability comes in handy. He'll teach Naruto how to mix the Demon Fox's chakra with his without having to lose his consciousness like usual. That's the point of having something extremely powerful inside of you, isn't it? If you can't control it, you may as well lose it. 

This in turn will lead to something which Jiraiya refers to as "that jutsu".  With the benefit of hindsight, we can conclude that "that jutsu" is something that the 4th Hokage (Minato Namikaze, Naruto's father)  designated for Naruto to master when he first sealed The Demon Fox's chakra inside Naruto. Inevitably it'll incorporate Demon Fox's chakra with Naruto's without having Naruto to lose his consciousness, something which Killer Bee is so capable of with the Hachibi.

With hindsight too, we can see that neither of Minato and Jiraiya was aware that Naruto will become a Sage. This leave an even better possibility for Naruto to become much more powerful than he is now. I mean, there are Uchiha Clan's Sharingans (we all know how powerful they are) but we're left speechless when surprisingly there are even more powerful ones: The Mangekyo. The same thing will go with the Sage Mode.

If we compare the Sage Mode with Son Goku's (Naruto's character role model from Dragon Ball series) Super Saiya Mode (there are 3 Level of them if I recalled right) the one Naruto has right now is a level one. And if Naruto capable to master "that jutsu" (with the help of Killer Bee) I wonder if it will lead him to master Sage Mode 2nd Version (and so on). Incorporates not only Naruto's own chakra, but also the Demon Fox's with the Natural Energy. Kishimoto may have hinted this when he drew Naruto's eyes with pupils of that of frog and fox altogether.

What do you think?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese Lunar Year 2010/2561: Year Of The Tiger

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

May this year bring prosperity!

May this year bring peace!

May this year bring glory!

May this year bring greatness!



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