Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Beatles' "Two Of Us" Rehearsal Video

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Man! Watching this Beatles video make my eyes glassy and all; to witness my heroes in such happy and playful spirit while rehearsing "Two of Us". Seeing this, can you really believe that this is the same band that breaks apart not long after? The combination of seeing the way John played his guitar while Paul do the Elvis impersonation thing is just precious. Do you notice the way  John and Paul exchanged glaze and smile in the near end, like they want to hug each other or something? OMG!

You see, at the time of this video, the relation between the two was described as "tense". But seeing this video, who would believe that? The only tense person in this video was Yoko. Like always. I mean, what's her problem? The happiness of the atmosphere is so thick it can bring smile to the one  only see it in the video (like you and me), and she couldn't even crack a smile although she was at the same room?



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