Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Middle East Demonstration: What's Going On?

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Wave after wave after wave of demonstrations swept Middle East. First it hit Tunisia, then Egypt. Now countries like Algeria, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya follow suit.

Death toll rises too, as the military/pro-government militias seem too trigger-happy to not shoot the protesters. These "shoot first, ask later" attitude reached the worst in Libya where 200 more people reported killed by the armed pro-government. Zoo-wee, mama!

What's going, on? Well, to me, it's just a matter of time, really. People get bored over their leaders, their government and its policies. Individuals like Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Ghaddafi of Libya to whom the protesters are against has been in 30 years plus in power. It's not the case of freedom like many would suggest. It is simply a case where enough is enough.

Inflation and high-unemployment are also contributing factors to the crisis.

In fact, the combination of a long-reign in power and economy crisis in the same time frame is a death sentence for any government. We've seen government toppled this way, as happened in Indonesia, 1998. The 30 years old regime toppled by the people following the worst economy crisis that hit the country in 1997.

Obviously,  in such recent global economy, more countries will follow.

But the real question would be what will happen next in those protesters-festered countries? Who'll lead them after the status quo step down, and whether it will be an overall better government or in the contrary, a gate-way to never ending chaos? No one knows, not even the protester. We can only hope for the best.



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