Monday, April 12, 2010

Prey For Rock n Roll

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This is 2010. I'm 28 years old this month, wondering what can I achieve next. I work as an independent property broker in Bali, but what I do now is the least thing I could ever imagine back then, when I was a drummer of a kicking ass rock band called Beyond Any Recognition.

Since my parents introduced me to the Beatles, being a musician in a kicking ass band was always a dream. It still is. But reality seems a little bit to harsh for that kind of dream. I gave up so much thing to follow the dream, thinking it all would be alright when it started to pay off. But the checks didn't come.

I practically learn everything myself, the drum, the guitar, the composition, the recording, and the mixing all that it needs. I wrote my own songs, I wrote my own lyrics. I played my drums like there's no tomorrow. I gave up my college, ruined some friendships but all of that were not enough. Now, instead become a drummer in a great band, I've lost it, ended up being a stranger in a new place and become a property broker. Not that it is a bad thing. It's what paying the bill. The problem is, the dream of drumming for a great rock n roll band still lingers on. And in a lonely night like this, I couldn't help but imagining things that might have been.

And in the night like this, I realize that Rock n Roll has consumed me; eat me raw with its unforgiving fangs, and it defecates me somewhere far. If this is how it felt of being broken, I know, there won't be any other thing that can break me more than this...



Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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